Articles by Eystein Stenberg

    Software-defined vehicles: an ecosystem approach & OTA strategy | Mender

    Software-defined vehicles: an ecosystem approach & OTA strategy

    Learn how the automotive industry is shifting towards software-defined vehicles with an ecosystem approach and OTA strategy, embracing open source solutions for innovation and efficiency.
    Mender 3.2 release: Provision devices to Azure IoT Hub | Mender

    Mender 3.2 release: Provision devices to Azure IoT Hub

    Today Mender 3.2 is released! Mender 3.2 adds support for Azure IoT Hub through several integrations. Most notably, Mender can now provision devices to you
    Mender 3.0.1 and 2.6.3 released | Mender

    Mender 3.0.1 and 2.6.3 released

    We are happy to announce the production release of Mender 3.0.1 and 2.6.3! Both these releases only include stability enhancements and bugfixes, but no new
    Quick fix for Let's Encrypt Root Certificate Expiry | Mender

    Quick fix for Let's Encrypt Root Certificate Expiry

    Sudden certificate verification errors Some of our hosted Mender customers started reporting they could no longer connect to the service on September 30th,
    Mender 3.1 release: Monitor using edge processing | Mender

    Mender 3.1 release: Monitor using edge processing

    We are excited to announce the Mender 3.1 release! Mender 3.1 introduces the brand new Monitor add-on package. Unlike traditional monitoring tools, Mender’
    New hosted Mender release: Device Tags and Device Name | Mender

    New hosted Mender release: Device Tags and Device Name

    We are happy to announce that hosted Mender customers can enjoy two new features: Device Tags and Device Name. These features are available in all hosted M
    Mender 3.0 release: Synchronized OTA Software Update | Mender

    Mender 3.0 release: Synchronized OTA Software Update

    We are excited to announce the Mender 3.0 LTS release! Mender 3.0 introduces new features to get full control over the progress of the update, both central
    Enabling fast and secure software updates for Enterprise IoT  | Mender

    Enabling fast and secure software updates for Enterprise IoT

    Regional Artifact Storage As a hosted Mender Enterprise customer you can now choose the location for storing device software, also known as Mender Artifact
    Mender 2.7 release: Troubleshoot and Configure devices  | Mender

    Mender 2.7 release: Troubleshoot and Configure devices

    We are excited to announce the Mender 2.7 release, together with maintenance releases Mender 2.6.1 and 2.4.3! Mender 2.7 introduces optional add-on package
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