Industry solution

Turning needs to streams of value

Get your product to market faster, safer and cheaper.


Outdated software can do irreparable damage

Fast product iteration cycles are important in the consumer market. Leaving outdated software in a fleet of devices can do irreparable damage. New features, improvements, bug fixes and security patches are critical to meeting business objectives as well as consumer needs.

Key business priorities




Total cost of ownership

How Mender delivers on priorities

Fast and more frequent application updates

Enable more features, services and product improvements to meet evolving customer needs all towards enhancing the customer experience and meeting business needs.


Extensive OTA features and support level

Including the ability to automate and manage deployments across a large global fleet of devices meets the demanding requirements of IoT devices and infrastructure.


Reduced overhead

Reducing the effort required for maintenance of software updates saves time and cost throughout the product lifetime without sacrificing security and robustness.


Industry customers using Mender

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Mender is trusted by innovative startups and the largest Enterprises. Contact us to discuss how we can help your business.