Using LVM to reduce dual rootfs footprint
In this post we're going to explore using LVM to reduce the space needed by a dual rootfs setup. In a typical dual rootfs setup, the device needs to have t
19 min read
Official Helm chart for Mender 2.5
We are excited to announce the release of the official Helm chart for Mender 2.5. Prerequisites Kubernetes 1.12+ Helm 2.11+ or Helm 3.0-beta3+ The version
7 min read
Taking Deno & the Github CLI for a spin to migrate Dependabot
Mender in its entirety consists of a number of microservices and tools besides the core client that runs on devices. Since we don't use a monorepo, each of
7 min read
A quick dive into k3s and the Mender Update Module for Kubernetes
All of you know about Kubernetes, the open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. Over time,
6 min read
Over-the-air (OTA) software updates in embedded MCU based applications
Many MCU based embedded systems are used in a variety of IoT applications which are typically deployed in the field on a large scale. These devices coupled
3 min read
Collecting acceptance and integration test coverage with Golang
This blog post will cover how acceptance and integration test coverage is collected from the Mender client tests. Starting out, we thought this was going t
6 min read
Raspberry Pi support for robust system level updates
The boards with binary distros are very popular in the development of IoT projects, such as Raspberry Pi. Depending on product goals, a large share of devi
1 min read
Growing fresh veggies with Rpi and Mender
Some time ago my wife and I decided to teach our kids how to grow plants. We both have experience as we were raised in small towns where it was common to o
8 min read
Converting a live device to a robust dual rootfs device
Have you ever wanted to robustly update a bunch of devices, but you can't because they're already in the field, and they are not configured for a robust du
2 min read