product news
Meta-mender Kirkstone branch released
The kirkstone branch of meta-mender, Mender's Yocto Project layer, has been released. The main feature of this release is compatibility with the Yocto bran
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SAML Federated Authentication is now available in Mender Enterprise
It is now possible to configure your tenant on Hosted Mender to leverage a SAML-compatible Identity Provider (IdP) to identify and authenticate users. Than
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Updates of the terms of service for Hosted Mender
On October 10, 2022, we’re updating our terms of service for Hosted Mender. You can review the updated terms here. This update covers the inclusion of a se
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Two Factor Authentication is now available in all the Hosted Mender plans
Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of protection for user authentication with OTP-compatible applications like Authly and Google Authenticat
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Mender 3.3 release: Bringing full visibility and efficiency in segregated networks
Today Mender 3.3 is released! Thanks to the Mender Gateway, a new component in the Mender 3.3 release, it is possible to connect devices running in a segre
4 min read
Mender 2.6.4, 3.0.2 and 3.1.1 released
We are happy to announce the production releases of Mender 2.6.4, 3.0.2 and 3.1.1! All these are patch releases and only include stability enhancements, bu
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Mender 3.2 release: Provision devices to Azure IoT Hub
Today Mender 3.2 is released! Mender 3.2 adds support for Azure IoT Hub through several integrations. Most notably, Mender can now provision devices to you
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Seeed integrates Mender with the reTerminal and the Dual Gigabit Ethernet Carrier Board for RPi CM4
Mender has a partnership with Seeed to provide remote management capabilities including OTA software updates, configure, troubleshoot and remote terminal a
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Mender enables Seeed with OTA software updating for the ODYSSEY -X86 has established a new partnership with Seeed to provide their community of makers and professional embedded developers with an integrated OTA sof
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