Exploring a key question for the automotive industry: how to shorten the time to market and innovate faster in software and AV?
The automotive industry is going through several disruptions simultaneously; electrification, carsharing, autonomous driving, and personalization fuel the definition of the Software-defined Vehicle (SDV).
All major OEMs, Tier1s, and the broader industry are striving to stay ahead in this technology race, increasingly being defined by software and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). Especially for AVs, the winners will be those who get to market and scale a production-grade solution first.
In this white paper, we address:
- The intricacies of integrating and updating numerous software components and AI systems for optimal performance
- Strategies for managing the complex interplay between various software elements to ensure cohesive functionality and reliable updates in autonomous vehicles
- Developing effective software management practices and robust over-the-air update mechanisms to uphold the integrity and safety of autonomous vehicles.
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