Mender blog

Mender integration with the Toradex Colibri iMX7

We have provided a How-to guide on getting Mender OTA integrated to the Toradex Colibri iMX7. This will show you how to get a Yocto build with Mender integrated on this production-grade board. Toradex provides high quality embedded hardware and we have partnered with Toradex due to their mature BSP based on Yocto, the many Toradex contributions to Yocto and OpenEmbedded, and their full range of SOCs provides maximum customer flexibility. Get started here on the integration guide or find out more about Toradex's Colibri ARM family.

We will also be at Embedded World from February 27th to March 1st. Mender will have a demo at Toradex's Partner Demo area as well as our own exhibitor booth. And stay tuned for developments we are making with Toradex's Easy Installer!

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